Beauty & Wellbeing

Why you should be retailing supplements in your spa

We examine the market for health and beauty supplements and talk to Amanda Jennings, spa manager at Seaham Hall, about the benefits of retailing these products in spas


By Mark Smith

02 August 2023

Consumer demand for beauty and nutritional supplements continues to grow and this offers a range of new retail opportunities for spas.

In 2017, the Global Wellness Summit Trend Report highlighted the retail opportunities for nutraceuticals (pills and supplements that aid health) and nutricosmetics (ingestible supplements specifically designed for beauty) that promise to improve health, hormones, immune system, skin and hair.

According to Douglas Insights, the global nutricosmetics market is expected to grow at a rate of 12% each year between 2020 and 2030.

Grand View Research predicts the market size of global nutraceuticals (which address health concerns) to expand by of 6% each year from 2022 to 2030.

Clinique la Prairie supplements
Clinique la Prairie Holistic Health Age Defy supplements

Beauty brands such as The Organic Pharmacy, 111SKIN, Thalgo and Voya have developed nutritional supplements which offer beauty benefits to enhance and improve the skin. Global wellness operators also entered the market with Clinique La Prairie, Lanserhof and Aman launching vitamin and mineral products for complementary health.

International spa operators are embracing this new movement. The Spa at Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park recently entered exclusive partnership with Clinique La Prairie. The Swiss longevity clinic has created a series of exclusive longevity journeys for the Hyde Park Spa.

Clinique La Prairie has also debuted its Holistic Health Supplements at Harrods in Knightsbridge, London.

herbal supplements in black jars
Aman's Sva herbal and vitamin supplements
woman smiling

As spa experts, we already have the trust of those experiencing traditional spa. We are all about elevation and introducing our guests to healthy habits such as supplements.

Amanda Jayne Jennings

Spa manager, Serenity Spa, Seaham Hall

We talk to Amanda Jennings, spa manager at Serenity Spa at Seaham Hall about the launch of supplement range, Doctor Seaweed


Why did you choose to introduce a supplements range to the spa?

Our team are so focused on delivering the very best in touch and skincare recommendations, but the Doctor Seaweed partnership allows us to take this one step further, focusing on guest internals matching touch therapies.  It’s a great enhancement to our already established ishga partnership.


What made you choose Doctor Seaweed?

Local responsibility is one of our main priorities at Seaham Hall and Doctor Seaweed is based really close to our property. We are the first spa to launch with Doctor Seaweed as an additional product line.  They are a celebration of all we believe in and have a real investment in people’s overall health and well-being which mirrors that of Serenity Spa. This partnership is a true example of ethos, education, revolution and passion.


How can spas promote the supplement range to guests?

As spa experts, we already have the trust of those experiencing traditional spa. We are all about elevation and introducing our guests to healthy habits such as supplements.

Supplements for us all should be part of our everyday routine for overall health. Spas not only are a haven for relaxation but a platform for positive change.

Aftercare post treatment is a must in most spas, but transformational recommendations are where we can excel. We need to help guests match their external skincare with internal care to help us naturally glow from the inside out.


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