Renowned Italian architect and founder of Studio Apostoli, Alberto Apostoli has published a new book: In Praise of Spas.
Focused on the philosophy of wellness, In Praise of Spas comes six years after Apostoli’s previous book, Architettura della Spa.
The new publication tells the story of the success of wellness spaces. It is a treatise on philosophy, sociology and the history of cultures from east to west, placing wellness at the centre.
Wellness spaces are explored through the ages and across different peoples, highlighting their functions and impact on modern culture.
The book is a eulogy to the culture of wellness and spas, and presents the reader with a new perspective on ‘being well’ that puts man at the centre.
“As an architect of wellbeing, I wanted to provide the reader with a new system of values, which is part of a modern culture of wellbeing, for the benefit of society,” said Apostoli.