SpaFest is an event that places a focus on the individual
“SpaFest is not about being spoken to but about being engaged. We are all in an industry where we take so much care of other people, thinking about how they feel, but SpaFest is about engaging and looking after ourselves. We don’t often have the time to take a step back and look at the impact we have as people in the wellness industry and also ask what else we can do.”
Our event reflects that wellness is a ‘broad church’
“We have a diverse range of speakers – they are not all from the wellness industry but they are wellness-connected. SpaFest is a leadership event as much as anything. Every single one of us can do good and that’s what we aim to encourage.”

Human connections are all that matters
“If we’re going to lead, we need to lead with authenticity. We need to show people how they can change their lives and be well and think about the bigger picture. So when we come together and allow ourselves to sit with somebody with no agenda – not simply to be sold to – then strong connections are made. These may potentially lead to business partnerships, but ‘return on investment’ is not what we are about. Our event is about investing in yourself.”
It’s tough but vital to have an honest conversation with yourself
“Jamie Edwards, who leads our fitness camp as part of the three-day event package, is an absolute master of this. He has worked with people with cancer, with young women who suffer from stress and anxiety, and I have learned so much from him about the importance of having meaningful, honest conversations.”
Our speakers are encouraged show their personality as well as their business expertise
“We have Sue Harmsworth coming to SpaFest this year. We have worked together on the SATCC (Standards Authority for Touch in Cancer Care). Sue has a remarkable reputation as this amazing woman who set up this game-changing company, but she is a person too, and a very inspiring person, and there is a story to be told behind her resilience and success.”