
GWS launches online focus on diversity in wellness

The quarterly series of online conversations will begin with Dr Nicola Finley


The Global Wellness Summit (GWS) has launched a series of new online events focused on the personal experiences of individuals from marginalised communities.

The quarterly events will include stories of race and ethnicity as well as gender identity, age, LGBTQ+ and abilities as well as other categories.

"Making the human experience real will illustrate what it is like as a marginalised member of a community seeking wellness."

Dr Nicola Finley

Member, GWS Board of Advisors

The first event will take place on August 3 with Dr Nicola Finley, who sits on the GWS board of advisors and will share her own personal stories about inclusion – or lack thereof – in wellness.

Picture of Susie Ellis, GWS founder, wearing a white shirt and with her chin resting on her hands

“It’s easy to say our goal is to lead the conversation around inclusivity in wellness, but this series puts words into action, and, we believe, it will inspire our wellness community to make constructive changes as we move into a better future.”

Susie Ellis

Chair and CEO, Global Wellness Summit

Dr Finley will present alongside Tonia Callender, research fellow at the Global Wellness Institute and author of the ‘Adding Color to Wellness’ trend which was part of the Global Wellness Summit’s 2021 Trend Report.

“I believe the powerful medium of storytelling and sharing true experiences, which has a rich tradition in communities of colour, will enable the GWS to amplify many of the unique and diverse voices within the wellness space,” said Dr Finley. “We will also move from talk to substance and explore the actions we can take to work towards achieving inclusivity.”

Register here for the first online conversation

To register for the first online conversation on August 3 at 2pm GMT (1oam ET), click below

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