Beauty & Wellbeing

New at-home Fasting Box from Buchinger Wilhelmi

A five-day reset programme for home use has been based on the clinics’ renowned fasting programme


By Wendy Golledge

28 December 2022

The world-class Buchinger Wilhelmi fasting method has been made famous at its two clinics in Überlingen, Germany and Marbella, Spain.

Now, the descendants of founder Dr. Otto Buchinger have launched a new product, based on the clinics’ renowned fasting programme, that can be used at home.

The Buchinger Wilhelmi programme is founded on more than 100 years of clinical experience and numerous scientific studies. Dr Otto was a medical doctor, philosopher and pioneer of medical fasting.

Today the clinic comprises seven doctors with specialisms from rheumatology to diabetes, as well as massage therapists, counsellors, nutritionists and personal trainers.

The Buchinger Wilhelmi at-home Fasting Box
The Buchinger Wilhelmi at-home Fasting Box

A five-day reset

The Buchinger Wilhelmi Fasting Box contains everything needed for a five-day reset similar to those carried out in the clinics, including ready-to-eat soups made with locally sourced Bioland-certified ingredients.

Soups are enriched with a cold-pressed oil and hummus to provide additional fats and plant-based proteins.

The package also contains fasting minerals (supplements containing minerals and micronutrients recommended by the clinic’s doctors), two high-quality oils and herbal teas to support the body while fasting.

Buchinger Wilhelmi Fasting box Team
The Buchinger Wilhelmi Fasting Box team

The ingredients contain only a few calories and carbohydrates – around 600 kcal per day – as well as a high share of healthy fats and some proteins.

The box also includes a detailed guide on how best to conduct the fast and ketone test strips to measure whether the body is in ketosis and so metabolising fats.

Lastly it includes recipes for the switchback phase after completing the fast.

The Fasting Box costs €199 (approximately £173 excluding shipping and tax).

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